
My Instagram feed features one back-to-school snap after another– freshly scrubbed and slightly disgruntled kids standing on the front porch, sometimes holding up fingers or signs indicating their grade. Pretty much the entire Northern Hemisphere has just gone back-to-school or will in the next few weeks. I’ve queried National Merit Scholars, National AP Scholars, kids with perfect ACT scores, Sterling Scholars etc. for their best back-to school advice. While you might think they’d focus on study tips, the first words out of each person’s mouth was…

1. BE KIND! Be kind. Be kind. No one regrets showing kindness; almost everyone wishes they’d offered more. Be kind to your classmates, be kind to your teachers, be kind to your coaches and your advisement counselor. Everyone on this earth needs affection and sympathy. One of my sons said, “Every time you earn a piece of candy for a good answer or quiz score, don’t eat it. Just save it and give it to someone else. For you, it would just be a moment of sweetness, but to someone else, you can salvage their entire day.”

2. SMILE. Few habits can improve your life more than the ‘resting smile.’ Other people will simply assume you are nice and numerous studies prove the simple act of smiling will improve your mood. Make a special effort in the hallways and when greeting friends at lunch, but try to train yourself to smile as often as possible. School is stressful; life is stressful, everyone needs to see a friendly face– especially in your own mirror.

3. THROW AWAY STEREOTYPES and JUDGMENTS. Sure, that kid might have been sketchy in junior high, but give him a chance. People change. And don’t assume the football player is arrogant or the AP student nerdy. You’ll find something to love about everyone when you take the time to talk to them.

4. BRING COOKIES FOR LUNCH. If you have a really lousy day you’ll have something to look forward to and you can brighten everyone else’s day by sharing. Chocolate chip, snickerdoodles, sugar cookies, oatmeal raisin…

5. DO COOL STUFF NOW. Don’t wait to do things you enjoy. Take photos, write stories, climb a mountain. Get involved in school activities: go to games and dances, help with fundraisers, run the school 5K. Every activity enriches your life and increases your circle of friends.

6. IF YOU DO SOMETHING STUPID, JUST OWN IT. Making excuses just increases your problem. Admitting faults makes you look smart.

7. TAKE HARD CLASSES. All my academic superstars agree, if you want to do well on standardized tests, take classes that will prepare you. It’s tempting to go for the easy A, but much more satisfying, interesting and educational to engage in challenging classes. And while you’re there– raise your hand, engage in discussion, join study groups.

What are your best back to school tips? Do you have regrets from your years of schooling? What do you wish you’d done better? And what’s the best kind of cookies to bring at lunch to share?

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