
Sex is highly glorified in our culture. Between risqué ads and promiscuous characters, the average American will see 15,000 sexual references a year on television alone. Many popular shows like Game of Thrones are pornographic, yet millions of Americans, both Christian and non-Christian, watch them on a regular basis.

With porn so prevalent, it’s easy to think it’s no big deal.

The Christian e-book Your Brain on Porn describes 5 ways that pornography warps your brain:

  1. Watching porn decreases sexual satisfaction. It trains us to desire the variety and “designer sex” of porn more than the familiar sexuality of marriage.
  2. Watching porn disconnects us from real relationships. It trains us to detach emotional involvement from sexual experience.
  3. Watching porn lowers our view of women. It trains us to see women as sexual commodities, not people created in God’s image.
  4. Watching porn desensitizes us to cruelty. It numbs us to the seriousness of verbal and physical aggression.
  5. Watching porn makes us want to watch more porn. It taps into the neurocircuitry of our brains, making us desire the rush of sexual energy from porn again and again.

You can download a free copy of Your Brain on Porn. I recommend especially chapter 1 about how porn effects your brain, and chapter 2 that discusses the 5 points listed above.

Watch this video “Does Porn Ruin Your Brain?

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