Editor’s note: Yesterday, we introduced Rhyll and Steven Croshaw in an introduction to a series of posts we’ll be featuring this week: Healing from Pornography Addiction: Hope for Addicts, Spouses. They talk of a painting, “Gently Up the Stream,” that has become the symbol of how they have found healing, both individually and as a couple, while facing the reality and effects of Steve’s sexual addiction.

Today, Rhyll and Steven share more of their story of hope and wisdom for those affected by pornography / sexual addictions.

Individuals and marriages can heal from pornography addiction

First, you can hear from from both of them as they talk about the long road they have been on, and what principles and actions helped them get on the road of recovery. Then listen to an interview with Rhyll to hear more about her journey as a wife of a porn addict. Rhyll shares the hard lessons she learned and the concepts and choices that have helped her heal. She knows from first-hand experience that women need specific support and help, and she shares a great amount of wisdom for women who are wondering what to do as they grapple with the reality that their husbands are addicted to porn.


Steve and Rhyll Croshaw are the co-founders of S.A. (Sexual Addiction) Lifeline, an organization created to “provide information and education to all who are seeking to know more about pornography [sexual] addiction and its impact on individuals, families and society.”
Photo of the Croshaws from SA Lifeline used by permission.

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