Editor’s note: We recently shared a Mormon Messages video called “Deep Beauty,” with Elaine Dalton (worldwide leader of the young women (ages 12-18) of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) talking about divine beauty, the beauty that comes of knowing who we are as daughters of God and living consistent with that truth. 

In fact, the topic of beauty is one that seems to be getting a lot of attention these days. Besides being aware of several organizations trying to address the distortion of beauty in popular culture (such as Beauty Redefined, who was featured here a while back), I’ve also read several articles in the last while on the topic of women and beauty. 

But one post clearly stands out to me, and is one I think needs to be shared; I wish all women, mothers, and young women could have a chance to read it. It was written by Stephanie at Diapers and Divinity. I felt she addressed some important tensions, nuances and layers to this topic that I find are often missing when beauty is discussed. I also appreciated the spiritual perspectives brought into it all…because I feel they are essential to getting to the core of what is truth about beauty.

The Bible teaches us that the truth will make us free. I believe she has shared truths that can help women be free, to tap into divine power, to really understand beauty and worth, and to feel more of God’s love in their lives.

I was actually going to try to share snippets from the article, but it’s one of those articles that I think is just best read as a whole. So with Stephanie’s permission, I shared the image from her post above, but I hope you will take a few minutes to read the whole post. 

The Beauty Paradox: The Surprising Relationship between Righteousness, Self-Image and Power.

You can also peruse her references/resources lists here.

[Actually, I will share the following quote, because it illustrates to me how deeply Stephanie has thought about the topic of beauty, and to me illustrates the inspiration that went into her writing. How easily we can fall into superficial definitions of beauty, when the kind of beauty God offers through His Son is beauty beyond measure.]

I know repentance seems like a weird fit here, but Heavenly Father gave me the word in the shower, so I’m going to roll with it.  The world tells us to use makeup and products to cover up our flaws.  The Savior teaches us to use repentance to wipe away our sins.  Imagine how much deeper our beauty could be if we would dedicate the same amount of time we usually spend on hair and make up to repenting of our sins.  Romans 4:7 says, “Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.” Now that’s a cover-up worth having in your tool kit.

When we apply these principles of deep beauty, we are blessed with the power that comes from virtue.  We are filled with the light of Christ, and we are beautiful to God. (Some scriptures that helped me ponder God’s version of beauty can be found in 1 Nephi 11:15, 4 Nephi 1:10-12 and 15-16, Words of Mormon 1:8.) …

“Let us encourage every woman who questions her value to turn to her Heavenly Father and His glorified Son for a supernal confirmation of her immense individual worth. I testify that as each woman seeks it in faith and obedience, the Savior will continually prompt her through the Holy Ghost. That guidance will lead her to fulfillment, peace, and a consuming joy through magnifying her divinely appointed, sacred womanhood. I know the Savior will do that.”  — Elder Richard G. Scott

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