I really enjoyed watching the Women’s Session with my wife this time around. I thought that all of the talks were top notch, and am excited to be able to start reading and blogging about them

Sister Bonnie H. Cordon of the Primary Presidency spoke about the need to trust in the Lord and lean not into our own understanding. I truly feel that this is a timely and topical message. It is so easy to begin to lean on own wisdom, talents and insights and to forget God:

When we spiritually lean to our own understanding, we lean away from our Savior. If we lean, we are not centered; we are not balanced; we are not focused on Christ.

Satan is really good at making us feel comfortable in the world. We begin to lean onto the pleasures of life. We indulge and think we belong. We forget that Christ is our king, and our commander. We begin to forget that we are engaged in war against Satan. We become far too casual and therefore stop relying on Christ.

When crisis strikes, we are good at bringing all hands on deck. When we face a steep deadline, we are good at working hard to meet it. But we become all too casual with things of spiritual importance

Sisters, remember, in our premortal life we stood with the Savior. We trusted Him. We voiced our support, enthusiasm, and joy for the plan of happiness set forth by our Heavenly Father. We leaned not. We fought with our testimonies and “aligned ourselves with the forces of God, and those forces were victorious.” This battle between good and evil has moved to earth. Once again we have the sacred responsibility to stand as a witness and put our trust in the Lord.

We need that same enthusiasm and joy if we are going to be able to withstand the cares of the world. We need to trust fully in God and Christ and be fully engaged in the work of salvation. 

Sister Cordon suggests that through scripture study, prayer, and service we can remain steadfastly centered on the Lord. If we engage In those simple but necessary practices, then we will be able to remain centered despite the distractions of the world and lean not onto our own understanding. Our spiritual survival depends on it.

Sisters, each of us can trust in the Lord and lean not. We can center our lives on the Savior by coming to know Him, and He will direct our paths.

We are on earth to demonstrate the same trust in Him that allowed us to stand with Jesus Christ when He declared, “Here am I, send me.”

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