In August, a Thai distributor halted sales of the video game Grand Theft Auto after a teenager confessed to robbing and murdering a taxi driver while trying to recreate a scene from the controversial game. Grand Theft Auto, now available in its fourth edition, has been criticized for depicting violence including beatings, carjackings, drive-by shootings, drunk driving, and prostitution.

In 2005, a multi-million dollar lawsuit was filed in Alabama against the makers and marketers of Grand Theft Auto, claiming that months of playing the game led a teenager to kill two police officers and a 911 dispatcher.

The American Psychological Association warns that violent video games can increase aggression, and, in fact, may be more harmful than violent television and movies because of the interactive nature of the games.

I think these are wake-up calls, but to do what?

  • Should we encourage the government in tougher regulation of violent video games?
  • Should the makers of video games implement stronger rating systems?
  • Should retailers better enforce the sale of videos games to minors based on the ratings?
  • Should parents pay closer attention to what their children play?
  • Should parents restrict the number of hours that youngsters can play the games at home and in public arcades?

Do you have suggestions on how parents should handle these issues?

Read more about the effect of video games on crime and violence, sexuality, social development, and video game addiction.

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