TempleStudy.com on the iPhone

TempleStudy.com on the iPhone

In honor of my purchase of an iPhone a few days ago, I decided it was time to make TempleStudy.com more mobile.  Now you can access and read TempleStudy.com in a much more reader-friendly way just by visiting the website in your browser on your mobile device.  The website will automatically detect the type of device, and will reformat the design of the site to load much faster, and look much nicer, on the small screen.

Hopefully this will make TempleStudy a much better experience for you folks who live on-the-go.  Of course, you can always fetch the RSS feed too, but that doesn’t offer as much functionality.  With the website on your mobile you can browse categories, tag clouds, do searches, leave comments on posts, subscribe to posts, and more.  Be sure to check out the menus on the navigation bar.

On a side note, I love now being able to stream General Conference talks to my car on the way to and from work.  I truly believe these emerging technologies are helping the work of the Lord roll forth in remarkable ways.

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TempleStudy.com Now on iPhone, iPod Touch, Android & Blackberry Devices

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