Remember Wordles? Those are the word clouds produced by You run some text through their program, and it returns a cluster of words based on that text. The words used most often are in large letters; the ones used very seldom appear in tiny print. (For example, if you did a Wordle of the Articles of Faith, the word “believe” would be very large since it is used so often in those  few words. “Baptism” would be very small because it is used only once.)

I’ve run the text of some of the prominent October Conference talks through that program, and pasted the resulting word clouds below. But whose talk produced each of those Wordles? Who talked about which themes? Who told that story with the repeated and distinctive phrase?

Please solve only one puzzle, at least until the game has been up long enough for other Keepa’ninnies to discover it and have their turn. If there are still unsolved puzzles this afternoon, feel free to solve another one, or to give hints to help on the harder ones.

It would also be fun, I think, if you indicated which words were key in helping you solve any particular puzzle. All talks come from the recent Conference and may come from any session, including Priesthood and Women’s sessions. Conference speakers and talk titles are listed here. Enjoy!

UPDATE: The complete solution is in comment 47. If you’ve come along late, though, you can still play along by ignoring the comments. Thanks for a fun time, all.

No. 1:

No. 2:

No. 3:

No. 4

No. 5

No. 6

No. 7:

No. 8:

No. 9:

No. 10:

No. 11:

No. 12:

No. 13:

No. 14:

No. 15:

No. 16:

No. 17:

No. 18:

No. 19:

No. 20:

No. 21:

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