Elder Jeffrey R. Holland held a press conference yesterday representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, communicating the deep concern for the people of Japan who have been affected by the terrible series of tragedies — earthquake, tsunami, nuclear radiation concerns. The Church has committed financial resources to help Japan and will continue to stay in touch with local leaders, relief institutions, and governmental agencies in the country to figure out where and how disaster relief support can be most helpful.

(For those interested in contributing in the funds that help the Church provide such financial support, visit the LDS Humanitarian Relief via LDS Philanthropies. (Or you can go directly to the Humanitarian Aid Fund donation page.) 100% of contributions go to helping those in need.)

Elder Holland also updated the press and listeners about the status of LDS missionaries in the country (they are all accounted for and some two hundred (plus) missionaries are being moved out of the affected areas). Updates were also given on Church members and structures.

A video of the full press conferenced [edited] can be found below. You can find more videos from the press conference at the ksl.com website (including questions from the press and answers from Elder Holland and Elder David F. Evans, who is an executive director of the Church’s Missionary Department).

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