One of the things I love most about Segullah is the community that we share, and one of the ways we broaden our circle is by asking for guest posts. We love to hear from you, our readers, and learn more about your lives through your writing. During 2013 we will have a suggested theme for guest posts each month that should help get your creative juices flowing. Read through the following writing prompts, review our blog submission guidelines (found here), and start writing. We can’t wait to hear what you have to say!

January: New Beginnings

With the start of a New Year, things are changing here at Segullah. What new beginnings have you had in your life?

Feburary: Love

What does love mean to you? What experiences have you had that have shaped your perception of this seemingly simple, but oh so complex, word?

March: Relief Society

Every March LDS women around the world celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the Relief Society. How has Relief Society touched your life? Has its meaning changed for you over time?

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