
Over the weekend, millions of people from nearly every country in the world watched LDS General Conference in person or by satellite broadcast, television, radio, online, or with mobile apps. Here is a list of all the ways people could watch conference. Over a million visitors watched conference from

Interpretation into 93 languages made it possible for 97% of the Church’s 15 million members to watch conference in their native language. For the first time in the history of LDS General Conference, some of the speakers gave their talks in their native tongue, rather than in English, requiring for the first time interpretation into English.

As usual, members also flocked to social media during general conference to share their testimonies and quotes from their favorite talks. The Church facilitated the sharing of those messages by posting quotes, memes (graphic images with quotes), and video highlights in real time during the conference sessions. Access those social media posts through the Follow and Share Conference Messages page. The aggregated social stream provided members a convenient gathering of some of the highlights from conference and a place to see  how some members chose to responded to those messages. Learn more about the Church’s use of social media during conference.

Access to video, audio, and text:

Below are links to summaries of the talks provided by the Deseret News:

Saturday Morning Session

Saturday Afternoon Session

Priesthood Meeting

Sunday Morning Session

Sunday Afternoon Session

General Women’s Meeting

Over the next few days, I invite you to consider what will you do in the next six months because of what you learned at General Conference and share it using the hashtag #next6months. How do you want your life to change?


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