A library makes a place.  Let’s sing its praise. We all need the library. I also happen to want a little one of my very own, and turns out it’s not so uncommon. Have you seen the free little libraries in your neck of the woods?

How about a video library of things to make you smile and say “yes!” in minutes, seconds even?

And/or say yes to just this one: a perfect video bite of students learning a Led Zeppelin Medley on xylophones.

And this beautiful film trailer that affirms life and love.

Zen Pencils draws out what a life of learning looks like, and feels.

Maybe the best part are the dreamy places you can buy the supplies at.  Dreamy real-life bookstores, anyone?

Now back to the library with Shannon Hale (Mormon YA author extraordinaire) talking to kids about her books and the writing process, and no boys allowed, say what?! 

This week’s first draft poetry is brought to us by Melonie.


Winter takes a final stroll on my city street
exhaling the fog from a long cigarette.
He stops under the streetlight
and stares up at my window
like a forlorn lover.


I distantly focus on the white of his eyes,
the row of small teeth,
moons in the fingernails,
Creating small remnants of memory
to cover
the nights we shared
in the bed of the last few months.


The sleeping slope of a shoulder,
the tuck of the head,
The bony hip adjusting itself
into the mattressed ground -


I see his outlined form
through the cold window between us -
a menacing comfort.


He inhales
on the promise of a return
and steps out of the round light,


one more ghostly breath
and the pane would shatter.


What inspired you to write, read or pause this week?


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