Everyone in this family line is born extra lucky. Ridiculously lucky. It is hard for them to not get rich too young. They have to avoid the strong temptation to go gambling or play the lottery while still in their teens. And it is a temptation. The scads of money, yes. But for those with this talent, using it is a thrill. Winning is a thrill. And the luck works on them and makes them feel how thrilling it will be.

The grown-ups in this line work hard to warn their children not to use the talent until they are older and responsible. Even a little use now leads on to bigger uses, so they tell them not to use it at all. Or they’ll have all the calamities one might expect of the young and immature becoming suddenly rich.

Still, despite all the teaching and effort, some do succumb.

Less commonly there are others, the  more conscientious, often women, who refuse to be lucky even when they become mature.  Perhaps they have come to see self-denial and poverty as themselves good–means so easily become ends.  Or perhaps they are terrified of the responsibility of wealth and disgusted by the fun of it.  Or they are afraid to trust their fortune.  So they live poor and primly watch their siblings laugh all the way to the bank.  The luck dies in them.

Moral: delight in discipline, but delight more in delight.

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