Self-righteous politicians recently hauled oil executives in front of their Congressional committee to lambaste them in front of network TV for the high price of oil. Wish they would have hauled in some of the big rice and wheat tycoons also, and the big dairy lords, the cotton kings, and some iron and nickel mining magnates. And what about the obscene profits of the big sprout industry? Mung bean and broccoli sprout prices just keep going up. The solution, of course, to obscene prices in the energy sector is to add more taxes on the backs of oil producers. Yeah, that's right - let's punish the people who are producing the energy we need so we can have more at lower prices. Genius!
I'd like to haul these politicians before my little committee and grill them. Why have you made it so difficult to produce oil in America? Why is it that not a single refinery has been built for 30 years? Why have you spent away our future so that the dollar is worth far less than it was a few years ago, driving up the price of oil, wheat, and everything else?
Well, I'm not the only one fed up with all this. My trucker friends are getting really ticked, and some are ready to strike. It's not going to help, but it's certainly going to raise awareness of the impact of $4/gallon diesel. But when my trucker buds take action, look out. Without trucking, our groceries will be empty within a couple days - a couple hours with panic buying. You may have no idea how dependent we are on truckers for our food. You're probably going to have a better idea in the near future.
Got food storage? The need is getting more serious every day, in my opinion.
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