I took this photo at a recent "final performance" of my almost two-year-old granddaughter's "Little Gym" class, just after each of the young participants received a medal for their numerous accomplishments (including being able to do the "monkey jump"). All wonderful little champions in their own way. Can you guess which one is my amazing and almost always happy granddaughter?
One thing I love about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ is the insight it provides on little children. We learn that they come to this world pure and precious, with souls that are spirit children of God, having come to us from His presence, with a veil of forgetfulness covering memory of their premortal existence. They come with divine heritage and divine potential, here to experience mortality. In this realm they will obtain the sacred gift of a body in the image of God that one day will be resurrected, and endure a brief mortal trial. Those who die in their infancy are redeemed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and have no need for baptism or repentance, but are innocent before God.
The precious, divine gift of children imposes great responsibility on us adults to protect, love, and nurture them and help them understand who they are, why they are here, and what they must do to have happiness and eternal life. We also learn that it is a great blessing and privilege to have children in a family, whom God has entrusted to our care. May we cherish them, protect them, and teach them well, that they may all remain champions in God's eyes - through the power of the only real champion, Jesus Christ, whom they and all of us are called to follow.
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