The internet is full of a veritable flood of information and it can be a lot to wade through. I thought I would take an occasion or two to share some of the blogs I’ve found that really keep me going back for more, which are featured on my sidebar, starting with the more outstanding (IMHO) neuroscience blogs out there. Here’s my top five.
1) The Frontal Cortex- This blog is written by Jonah Lehrer, author of the book Proust was a Neuroscientist. It is part of the blog collective that is Science Blogs. He has a wonderful knack for taking the complexities of the brain and likening them to simple terms that relate to common experience. He has the soul of a poet himself. He argues that a lot of neuroscience is stuff we relate to in our own reflection and has been explored by famous people in art and other fields. He brings a great human touch to neuroscience.
2) Mind Hacks- This blog was started by the authors of the book of the same name. Being brought to you by authors means they are great at finding things that strike public interest or curiosity and bring them to light. Dr. Vaughan Bell, a psychologist in London is by far the most frequent poster and consistently comes up with some of the most amazing little factoids.
3) Neurophilosophy- This blog is also part of the Science Blogs collective, with the author a graduate student in Neuroscience who goes by Mo. It’s strength is that it digs up the fascinating history about how we know what we know about the brain, in sparkling narrative. The author has quite a knack for finding and telling obscure and fascinating stories behind the dry facts.
4) Cognitive Daily- This is again one of the Scienceblogs family. They have many neuroscience blogs I didn’t care for, but their good ones are really good. Authored by the married research scientist of Dave and Greta Munger, they delve into the fascinating subject of cognitive psychology, looking at what we can learn about the way we think by observing thinking.
5) (tie) GNIF Brainblogger- This blog is a group effort that takes a unique approach to neurology and psychiatry, using the Biopsychosocial Model. In other words, they believe humanity can be described in biological terms, terms regarding the mind, and in sociological terms. It is the “holistic” approach that popped up everywhere when I started medical school. The end result is a blog that challenges the scientific community on some of its assumptions, for better or for worse. I think they give a fascinating viewpoint that is often too easily dismissed and brushed over. This blog is all about wellness for the “whole” person and is wonderfully done.
5) (tie) Eide Neurolearning Blog- This is a blog written by a physician couple that delves into one of my favorite all time subjects, human growth and development in terms of the mind and brain. Their ultimate work and interest is in the group I work with, those with neurodevelopmental disabilities, so they are kindred spirits. I love their practical approach to finding therapeutic applications to science about the way we think and learn.
A list of five just felt right. Okay, so maybe I fudged with the tie thing. Six is such an odd number. It just felt capricious and wrong somehow. Maybe I’m turning into Adrian Monk. Anyway, next week I will profile the best of the doctor blogs, see you then.

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