Identical Twin Brothers: One Gay - One Straight - A Dialogue About Same-Sex Marriage
I feel very privileged that my close friend, who happens to be an identical twin, has allowed me to share a recent conversation that he had, with his gay brother. After I read this exchange, I was just stunned. I have been well aware of the many divisions that the issue of same-sex marriage, is causing between so many. We are also seeing division, even within the Church. This is very difficult for many to understand?
Last week, the Church had a broadcast from SLC, for members of the Church living in California. We were well instructed by the brethren, about the Divine Institution of Marriage; and why the Church has become so vigorously involved with the Yes on 8 campaign. Not surprising, but stunning nonetheless, was the strong encouragement and specific direction that was given to the young single adults, and young married members of the Church. There was no question, that the Church realizes the significant impact that these very savvy Internet users, can and will have, in the Yes on 8 campaign.
The Church also introduced fresh tools for these young people to utilize, as they go forth to protect and defend traditional marriage, and the family. You can visit preservingmarriage.org which was just launched, to see some of these resources.
Since I happen to be a Mormon blogger, I was interested in these resources, too. Perhaps even more so, than many of the youth in my Stake. lol Anyway, by the following day, our Stake single adults were putting themselves out there, in very courageous ways. I am so proud of these young LDS warriors.
Last night, we had branch prayer in our home. I took the opportunity, to have a kind of "fireside" chat with these awesome soldiers. We discussed a bit, about how they could be most effective in having conversations with their friends, online. Did you know, that many of our youth have hundreds of friends on there Facebook and MySpace accounts? It is mind boggling. The ability, that our young people in the Church have, to impact the Yes on 8 campaign, truly is staggering!
In closing, I testified to these young adults, that I firmly believe, that we are now doing, exactly what we did in the pre-existence. We were the very best warriors in heaven, and that this was literally pre-mortal dejavue to me personally. I shared with them, that I was certain WHO they are, and as they go forward to do what they were prepared to do, that they, too - would fast remember!
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