Have you noticed the beautiful new banner that appeared as soon as our summer issue came online? I keep wondering what the girl in the painting is reading; is it a large-print copy of the scriptures, or the newest issue of Domino?

The genius behind that beautiful painting is Sharon Furner, a Maryland artist whose work is characterized by “vivid color, spontaneous brushwork and imaginative design” (www.sharonfurner.com). She began her painting career as a young mother, and her artwork has provided her many opportunities for travel, outreach, and community service.

Over her career as a visual artist, Sharon has developed a talent helping others discover their own creative powers. She quotes Annie Dillard, who says, “You’ve got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.” Sharon continues, “This simple truth applies to all of us who yearn to live lives filled with creativity.  Dismiss the fear, let go, free-fall, and our wings will drop us onto paths beyond our wildest imagination.  We can only create what is deep within our soul.  It is in the act of creation that the challenges, the answers and the satisfaction are met.  The fearless leap, the unfurling of wings puts us on the path.”

Here’s Sharon’s top ten list of ways that we can tap into the creativity which lives in each of us:

1. There are times that we all live lives of quiet desperation.  I have had my share of bleak moments.  I thought these times of challenge would affect my sense of productivity, color and energy.  But the more looming my personal problem the brighter and more vibrant my palette became.  I have come to think of COLOR as a healing art.  It has never let me down.

2. Travel with an openness to the greater whole. Travel is a spiritual adventure to understand where humans live, work and play.  My mindscape is filled with scenes of real life: a family sitting on a bench on a hot day slurping ice cream cones; a tiny hut of miniature proportions, women huddled around a cooking pot–toothless, sweet faces smiling, sharing local gossip; and recently, three nuns solemnly walking the grounds of the World Trade Center, in deep contemplation.

3. Love humanity. Understand beyond those people we are comfortable with, who are “like us” to those whose lives defy imagination.  It is important to show respect and concern for my sisters in the Congo, Kosovo, Rwanda, Afghanistan and all areas on this earth where there is injustice, war and poverty.  I want to understand what these women’s lives are about.  This translates to very personal, intimate paintings that I only put into an art journal.

4. Read and study those things you are truly interested in.  Create your own masters degree in writing, art, music; explore all facets of an artist or subject.  This past year I decided to absorb all that I could about Vincent van Gogh, through well-written biographies, his personal letters, art books and visiting museums where his work hangs.  This summer I had the rare opportunity of walking in his footsteps in many of the places he painted. I could feel his spirit everywhere. This past year trying to understand him, his work, his vision and his depths of illness will greatly affect my painting in the next months.

5. Stay open to Possibility–be a Possibilitarian, believe in yourself.  Know that anything and everything can add to the richness of an artistic life.

6.  Share, it is a necessity.  The blessings of my life, my many opportunities to be creative must be shared with others. There is no other option for me. I truly believe in the Power of One.  It takes but One person, One experience, One caring, One lifting of another’s burden to make a difference.  The best day of my week are when I am sharing art.  (I could give you some examples here)

Tithe a portion of your earning if you are a paid artist, writer, musician, so forth.  Give to a cause you personally believe in.  GIFT a story, a poem, a painting, an hour of music to those who need a lift in their lives.  Be their WINGS for a moment.

8.  Keep a journal. Although I keep a written journal, my favorite journaling is ART journaling.  This is my private space to explore ideas, figure out how someone else paints, paint, sketch intimate scenes like the women I wrote of earlier, keep notes on what I learn, read, think, add photos, clips from magazines and papers, glue down ribbons and pieces of paper that hold meaning.  Art Journals are big, they are messy, they are a private place to just be…they are full of Possibility.

9. Intersperse “serious” art with the fun and whimsical.  Make time for “let it all hang out” painting days.  When I want a complete diversion, I turn to painting “fine art” for children.  For a few days, I can slip into the imaginative world of a child and paint what I think they would love to look at.  It is total freedom!

10. Don’t be afraid to begin–create with a sense of awe!

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