We return today to the “Girl Queries” column of the Young Woman’s Journal, wherein a wise sister answered the questions submitted by young girls and women concerning everything from manners to health to gospel doctrine:

Is it proper for a gentleman to smoke when in the company of a young lady? – Mamie.

A gentleman should never smoke when in the presence of ladies, without first receiving their permission. From a Latter-day Saint view-point you should not keep company with a boy who smokes.


Is it good form to have the tooth pick holder on the table? – Jessica.

No. It may be placed on a side table or cupboard, but accessible to anyone greatly in need of a toothpick. In good society toothpicks are never openly used in the presence of others; always when one is alone or back of a napkin when others are not noticing.


Would it be unwise for me to “go out” with the husband of my dearest friend while she is out of town? I can see no harm. – Annette.

It certainly would be improper. There is nothing that is so likely to disrupt your friendship as to receive attentions from the husband of your “dear friend.” Then the impropriety of such actions is very grave.


When you are at a party where you are not very well acquainted with the boys, should you ask one of them to take you home if you are timid about going alone? – Sunny.

If you are so unfortunate as to be at a party without an escort or chaperone and no provision has been made by your hostess or parents for your safe return home, it would be perfectly proper to ask a respectable young man to accompany you.


When was the Orphan’s Home and Day Nursery of Salt Lake City established, and by whom, and how supported? – Mrs. O.B.S.

It was established Oct. 10, 1884, by Miss Elizabeth Dickey, a Presbyterian missionary. it is non-sectarian; supported by contributions and soliciting from the general public. It is controlled by a board of thirteen directors, belonging to different denominations. From forty to fifty children are cared for continuously. Their new building, just erected, cost $50,000. [The Day Nursery has functioned continuously since 1884, and in 2009 is known as the Children’s Service Society of Utah.]


Please give me a simple remedy for enlarged pores. – Peggy.

One and one-half ounces of cucumber juice, one-half ounce of tincture of benzoin, one ounce of cologne and five ounces of elder-flower water. Put the benzoin in an eight or ten ounce bottle, add the other ingredients which have been previously mixed, and shake together slightly. Apply this lotion with a sponge, night and morning.


To P.C.N.’s query, a girl of seventeen should be under her parents’ supervision and only “go out” occasionally with young men. Late hours should never be indulged in. Such liberties as you speak of are very improper. Be a sweet modest girl; stand on your dignity and respect yourself.


To “Brown eyes”: Be modest, sweet, and unselfish. Always appear happy; be very courteous to, and considerate of other girls. Bathe frequently and always have the appearance of being tidy and clean. Give special attention to the hair and finger nails. Follow these instructions and note results in a few months.


To an “Old Subscriber,” I quote the work of a noted French physician to discouraged patients: “Do not let us build a second story to our sorrow by being sorry for our sorrow. He who knows how to suffer suffers less.”


What is the proper time to break up a house party of boys and girls when they are invited for 7 o’clock? When they do not leave what should be done? – L.B. and G.R.

If girls and boys are under seventeen they should not remain longer than 9:45 p.m. if none of the party suggest going before that time, the mother of the hostess should announce, very kindly, that the hour is late and she is quite sure that their parents will be expecting them; she hopes they all have had a pleasant time, and invites them to come again. Older boys and girls might be permitted to remain until 10:30.


In reply to “August.” it certainly would be very improper to do as you suggest. The person in question was evidently not well born, and truly not well-bred.


To “Meg.” Decidedly no.


To Jennie. Address him as, Dear Friend, or My Dear Friend Mr. — .


Should a wife pay tithing on what is earned while her husband is on a mission, and should it be paid in his name? – Melba.

If the husband has left some business or a stipulated sum from which interest is accruing, the tithing on such should be paid in his name. But if the wife or children are earning money, the tithing from that should be paid in the name of the one who earns it.


To Jennie’s query, yes, Louise Alcott did go out to service. Such service was not pleasant to her, however. she wrote a story, “How I went out to service,” describing some of her experiences.


“Sunshine” – it all depends on what sort of an education you refer to. Girls should be just as progressive, and anxious to develop and grow into complete womanhood as boys to develop into complete or perfect manhood. There are many advantages in the “higher education.”


To Fay’s query – Diet yourself. Lessen the quantity of food. Do not eat fat-producing foods. Exercise more and take long, brisk walks.


Can you suggest some appropriate games with which to spend Sunday evening? Is it wrong to play card games, as “Flinch” and “Block?” – “A Girl.”

Sunday evening is a continuation of the Sabbath day, and from a “Mormon” viewpoint it would be very improper to play such games. if you have a number of young people at your home after church service, there are so many intellectual subjects to be discussed that are really entertaining and much more appropriate to the hour after church.


Is it proper for a girl to have her photograph taken with a gentleman friend? – Lelia.

Not unless they are in a group with others. Although she may be engaged to the gentleman, it were better to wait until after marriage to have their photographs taken together. Should they not marry, regrets might follow such an action.


When a girl goes to a dance with friends or a chaperone, should she accept the company of a young man home? – ruby.

Certainly not. It would be very discourteous to those with whom she went. A girl should not be so eager for a man’s company as to snatch at every opportunity. she does not gain respect by cheapening herself.


Please give me a solution to prevent disagreeable odors from the armpits. – Pearl.

Bathe the body daily. Bathe the armpits twice a day with one quarter of water to which has been added one tablespoonful of listerine or half the quantity of ammonia. Then bathe twice daily with the following: One dram of boric acid, one ounce of rosewater and two ounces of witch hazel. Dust lightly once a day with a powder made of one ounce of powdered alum, two ounces powdered orris root and two ounces powdered rice. Be sure your digestive organs are in proper condition. Continued constipation will cause unpleasant odors.


“Margaret.” – It is difficult to alter the appearance of the ears when the child has attained his majority. Mothers should notice the ears in infancy and train them to be as perfect as possible. Many deformities could be corrected in childhood if parents were more painstaking with their children. your daughter’s ears may be less “conspicuous” by the manner in which you dress her hair. Have it come down and partly cover the ears.

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