So I need your help...I need your help in the form of comments on this post. I am just reflecting on where this blog is right now and where I would like it to be. I am still not sure about the latter. I don't know where exactly I would like it to be and that is where you come in.

I would love to hear your suggestions of what types of posts you would like to see, what you would like to see more of, and what you think would make my blog easier to use or navigate.

I receive several searches each month like: "becoming a mormon", "the process of becoming LDS", and "joining the LDS church". I want to make sure that I can guide these individuals in the right direction.

I would love suggestions both from or for members and seekers alike.

Please comment with your suggestions, ideas, or concerns. Or if you would feel more comfortable you can email me at Thanks so much!

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