The fourth ever edition of the Palliative Care Grand Rounds is up at the Medical Futility Blog, having grown by leaps and bounds since it started last January. I am honored to have been included after a long carnival absence.
Grand Rounds is up at first time host, Nursing Handover, where she does a bang up job with accompanying photos that almost steal the show from the wonderful posts.
Surge X Periences has been posted at Other Things Amanzi with an equally impressive montage of African Wildlife to organize compelling tales of the OR.
Also, check out the last editions of the Disability blog carnival and Change of Shift, while a bit older, are definitely worth the look if you missed them, and just think, more will be on the way shortly.
Tagged: blogs, carnivals, doctors, health care, nursing, palliative care, surgeryContinue reading at the original source →