I'm feeling quite rebellious right about now. I know - that's not very attractive, is it. In my rebellion, I recognize my ingratitude as well. Here's the thing... my good friend, whom I also consider my partner in crime, as well as my "study buddy" is basically forcing me to do something that in my not very humble opinion, is about as bad as asking me to have a Tupperware party. Been there - done that. I can't tell you how happy I am to NOT be having, going or giving any kind of obligatory "parties" any longer!
I'm all grown-up now. For the most part, women I associate with don't do those things any more. Honestly, I'm not sure what's gotten into my friend. There was a time, during my Mormon mommy years - that getting out of the house, and getting together with the girls was worth just about any excuse. Even a Tupperware party. At least it was something I could use. No more. I use Ziplocs, now.
So what's all this murmuring about, you ask? Diana Dowden, a.k.a. blogger "Inthedoghouse" has informed me of an award that she has decided to bestow upon me, wherein I am required to make a list "about me", and pass this burden onto some other unsuspecting nice women out there, who also blogs.
Dearest Diana - when you read this, I trust it will find you laughing. I will expect you to explain yourself and perhaps even apologize for such unfamiliar behavior on your part. I'm thinking this "chain-letter" of sorts, has something to do with your recent "Mormon Mommmy Blogs" piece that you wrote over on Hubpages. I'm right, aren't I?

If you're wondering what award I have been honored with, it is "Queen of ALL Things - Awe Summm!!!. As you may agree, that bestowal is actually a long time off for this Well Behaved Mormon Woman. I like what Doghouse has to say about the award. It sounds really good. You can read it here.
These are the rules:
List 7 things that make you Awe-Summ and then pass the award on to bloggers. Make sure to tag your recipients and let them know they know. Also link back to the QUEEN that tagged you.
1) I am a daughter of God and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
2) I understand my divine role as wife and mother and am thankful to be both.
3) One of my favorite things to do is study the scriptures, especially with "study buddies."
4) I would love to be a Family History freak! I have a friend that is really good at it and says she will help me!(hint hint)
5) I belong to a Young Adult Branch, with another "old dog".
6) I am the Nana to currently nine adorable grandchildren.
7) I love my eternal family and am counting on the atonement to perfect us ALL.
I'm not so sure any of this makes me so "Awe-Summm!!!!" It's just who I am.
And now for the most rebellious part of all this -- I'm NOT passing my coveted CROWN onto any of you. It's MINE!
Kathryn Skaggs
p.s. You can thank me, later!
p.s.s. You probably already have figured this out, but I'm the mom who always broke those chain things. Remember me?
p.s.s.s. I was supposed to respond on one of my other blogs KooLDSgirlZ but felt such rebellion was not really appropriate over there, where I really do try to BEHAVE;-)
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