The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has launched an "OFFICIAL" radio station, simply called MORMON CHANNEL. Yes, that's what I said - OFFICIAL! The NEW online LDS radio station is unique to members of the Church, as it will provide a central location for listening and sharing just about everything having to do with current Mormon media; as well as a vast selection from church archives.
"The Mormon Channel is the official radio station of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The channel originates from Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah and broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week."
You will now be able to go to one location, online, and access both audio and video of talks, music, podcasts, etc... It gets even better. Because the Church is working together with the likes of Brigham Young University, Bonneville, Deseret Book and other credible LDS sources - the possibilities for uplifting and informative content are ENDLESS!
It doesn't stop there either. You will now be able to watch General Conference LIVE online, by going directly to the MORMON CHANNEL. Other popular LDS broadcasts will also be available on the spot, such as CES firesides, Christmas firesides, devotionals, and other special church broadcasts.
Are you saying "WOW", yet? Well you should be. This is a wonderful new Mormon resource for not only members of the Church, but for those who are interested in learning more about the LDS Church. You will now be able to send your friends directly to The Mormon Channel to access anything that you find would be beneficial. Think of the POSSIBILITIES for a resource like this!
Obviously the Church has had this project under construction for quite sometime. Besides all the recognizable content that the Mormon Channel will provide, they are also introducing ORIGINAL radio programs, such as...
CONVERSATIONS: A Mormon Channel Original
INTO ALL THE WORLD: Learn more about the worldwide Church
THE LIGHT OF MEN: The life and ministry of Jesus Christ
SCRIPTURE STORIES: Stories and inspiration for children
MORMON IDENTITY: Questions about the Church
And so much more is planned on The Mormon Channel! In the works are an iphone application and a blog widget. More great ways to share the great content that is NOW being provided through and on this great new resource.
From the LDS Church Newsroom:
“We have the responsibility to extend the messages of the Church in yet another way with the new station,” Twitty added. “We have access to all the resources of the Church in creating program content. Though it seems a daunting task to fill the airtime, we have a wealth of information that will be of interest to listeners — much of it new and never before heard or seen.”
You can listen to the Mormon Channel live online RIGHT NOW at radio.lds.org. So go and check it out!
Kathryn Skaggs
NOTE: If you're not following this blog by now - you should be:-)
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