I'm not here to speculate about the decision that the California Supreme Court will announce, any day now. However, upon waking up this morning and checking emails, I found that the rumors are once again flying about the status of Proposition 8.
This time, it is unconfirmed reports that the courts will announce their much anticipated decision on the fate of Prop 8 on Thursday- tomorrow. These reports apparently originate from a gay tabloid called The Advocate. It seems pretty solid to those who are reporting this information. Apparently San Francisco police are already setting up barriers around the court house and in areas of the city known to be places of gathering, for the homosexual community. The word on the streets in SF is that the gays are NOT going to like the decision, thus the preparation for crowd control are being made.
That was not speculation, at least not on my part. I'm just passing along the information. Right? Anyway, as I wrote just the other day about the decision by the California Supreme Courts - it is NOT going to come down quietly, regardless of the decision. And, by the buzz that is happening right now about a possible verdict as soon as tomorrow - the give away seems to be the amount of preparation that is being deemed necessary. BTW, many of these reports are coming from people who live right there - in the city.
So whether the decision as to IF Proposition 8 will be upheld, is tomorrow or not - our days of waiting are numbered. It's a good thing too, because the pressure is building for those anxiously awaiting their RALLY! Anyway, if tomorrow is the case, we would know by 10 am, pacific time. Which for me, is any minute.
I'm just saying...
Kathryn Skaggs
Update: No decisions will be handed down tomorrow, regarding Prop 8 - see HERE. As suspected, just another rumor springing forth from tightly wound up "other" side. Ugh!
This , from the "Official" California Courts website:
"All California courts will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 2009. The filing of any opinion by the California Supreme Court that would normally occur on Monday, May 25, will instead be filed on Tuesday, May 26 at 10:00 a.m.
If any opinion is to be filed on Tuesday, May 26, a Notice of Intended Filing announcing the court's intent to file the opinion will be posted on the California Courts Web site by Friday, May 22, 2009, at this link: http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/courts/supreme/."
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