When Americans were first introduced to Sarah Palin, at the Republican National Convention, as the Vice-Presidential running mate of John McCain - she literally took the nation by storm. I recall, listening to her speech then, and the feelings of "goodness" that overwhelmed me at that moment. Many immediately speculated about whether Sara Palin was a "Mormon" - due to her Idaho roots, and strong moral fiber.
We couldn't be certain about her future at the time, but in the months that have followed, Sarah Palin continues to exemplify everything that we as members of the LDS Church, would consider to be "good".
I've liked Sara from the beginning. Right away, I blogged about her as a "Well Behaved Woman" - and even had fun drawing a few parallels between us.
Sarah Palin has a strong Christian belief system. She has no problem having her voice heard on those topics and issues that today, are extremely controversial. Those who oppose her positions, for many reasons, do so mostly, because she is willing to not only stand in her opinions, but she is willing to do so along side of her FAITH! That is what I admire about Sarah Palin, MOST.
Daily, she willingly takes opportunities to DO the right thing -- and she does it with honor. Governor Sara Palin, recently was invited to speak at Vanderburgh County's Right to Life banquet in Evansville, Indiana, given on April 16th, 2009.
Listening and watching Sarah Palin, express her very personal feelings and experience of choosing LIFE for her special needs son, Trig - touched me deeply. I am so grateful, that there are women in the world today, with such courage - who are willing to stand up for what is RIGHT, under all circumstances.
Kathryn Skaggs
Thank you to Seth Adam Smith, for providing this inspiring video.
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