Sorry this is a week late. I wrote it last week, but somehow neglected to click “Publish” and didn’t follow up to see if it had been posted.
This week: Lesson 31, “Sealed…for Time and for All Eternity” (D&C 131:1–4; 132:4–33).
Subjects covered: Eternal marriage; plural marriage.
Potential issues:
- Eternal marriage and Biblical statements on marriage.
- Jews and early Christians on marriage after death.
- Apostles married in early Church?
- Divorce not allowed except for fornication.
- Topical guide to articles on plural marriage.
If you can think of any other issues from this week’s lesson, please comment below so we can add more links.
PLEASE NOTE: This information is a preparatory resource for gospel doctrine teachers to help them formulate answers to questions that might arise during their class. It is not in any way a substitute for the Gospel Doctrine manual, nor should instructors make these topics the focus of class instruction. This information is provided with the understanding that it is an additional resource only.
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