Despite my desire to convey all of the wonderful things that I learn from Confronting the Myth of Self-esteem: Twelve Keys to Finding Peace, I am realizing that it isn’t realistic for me to attempt to do so. I will attempt here to select a few of the book’s powerful concepts, but anyone interested really should get the book and read the whole thing.
I wrote previously here about “love and long-handled spoons.” I realize that this story is not unique to this book, but nonetheless it teaches very clearly the synergistic relationship between generously giving of ourselves to others and then joyously receiving others’ love (especially Heavenly Father’s) for us.
Rasband describes two self-defeating pursuits. The first is what she calls the “shortcut seeker.” We tend to forget the law of the harvest- that you reap what you sow. We have the tendency to want and even to expect celestial-level results while making only telestial-level efforts. Her main point here, I believe, is that we forget that this life is a process of learning and growing and we instead impatiently want the results now.
The second mistake that we sometimes make is what the author calls “the checklister.” In this scenario, we mistakenly think that we can of ourselves earn peace. We mentally make note of all the wonderful things that we do, all the while thinking that surely we have done enough. But instead of finding peace, we find that we are exhausted and frustrated. The problem is in the measuring of our efforts, because the lasting peace we seek only comes through wholehearted, unmeasured devotion.
Throughout the book, Rasband refers often to scriptural examples that support her insights about losing oneself to find peace. I have barely scratched the surface of what is covered in this wonderful little book. I highly recommend it and would gladly loan you my copy if you promise to give it back!

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