Am I the only one who sees other people’s projects and thinks, “Hey, I could do that”? Want to write a guest post to see what response your story gets?
If you’d like to try your hand at a guest post for Keepa, please do. You have to promise, though, not to be offended if your post isn’t published.
Guest posts need to meet these criteria:
* Historical focus. (Personal essays might be considered, but current social topics or politics or economic self promotion and a million other off-topic ideas cannot be used.)
* Latter-day Saint-friendly in topic, tone, and doctrine, as judged solely by me.
* 500-1500 words in length. Shorter is better, if you want people to actually read and respond.
* Accurate as to history, and original as to writing.
I’d prefer to publish guests posts under your real name, but I’m willing to use your ‘nacle moniker if you insist. I do want to know your real name and location, though.
This invitation is for historical stories or book reviews and similar articles. I’m not looking right now for personal photos or puzzles or funny advertisements, just written articles to give you a taste of seeing your work on screen and getting responses from other readers.
And again, please do not be upset or offended or angered or annoyed or otherwise negatively affected if I choose not to publish your work. There may be absolutely nothing wrong with it, other than that it isn’t quite right for Keepa.
Ask questions and send posts to: keepapitchinin [at] aol[dot]com . (Note that Keepapitchinin ends -inin, not just -in.)
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