I checked out a book from the library called Rivers and Lakes. It had an interesting section in it that talked about how numerous species of insect larvae, nymphs, and tiny invertebrates find refuge from the turbulence of the streams they live in by staying close to the bottom of the stream in what is called “the boundary layer”.
The boundary layer is a “a thin layer of water above the stream bed where friction virtually stops the current” (p80). The area 1/10th of an inch around a rock at the bottom of a fast-moving stream is quiet.
The implications of this idea for us in a gospel context are clear. The church is like the stream bed or the rock in the stream bed. It stays fixed. The closer we stay to this stabilizing influence, the safer we are and the less likely we are to be carried away by the powerful and seductive currents of the world. We will find safety in the church's "boundary layer".
Image: Britannica.com, http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic-art/75630/2327/Flow-past-a-stationary-solid-sphere)
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