The adversary tries to smother this voice with a multitude of loud, persistent, persuasive, and appealing voices: murmuring voices that conjure up perceived injustices, whining voices that abhor challenge and work, seductive voices offering sensual enticements, soothing voices that lull us into carnal security, intellectual voices that profess sophistication and superiority, proud voices that urge us to rely on the arm of the flesh, flattering voices that puff us up with pride, cynical voices that destroy hope, entertaining voices that promote pleasure seeking, commercial voices that tempt us to “spend money for that which is of no worth” and our “labor for that which cannot satisfy” (2 Ne. 9:51), and delirious voices that spawn the desire for a “high.” James E. Faust, “The Voice of the Spirit,” Liahona, Sep 1995, 17
My husband shared this quote in his talk last Sunday and it really stuck out to me. I think I can definitely do better at ignoring the many voices that try to sneak their evil ideas into my head.
How do you keep the voice of the Spirit stronger than the other voices in your life?
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