Some recent Review of Biblical Literature reviews that may be of interest to readers of this blog:
Alejandro F. Botta
The Aramaic and Egyptian Legal Traditions at Elephantine: An Egyptological Approach
Reviewed by Margaretha Folmer
Paul F. Bradshaw
Reconstructing Early Christian Worship
Reviewed by Tony Costa
Fredrik Hägglund
Isaiah 53 in the Light of Homecoming after Exile
Reviewed by Ulrich Berges
John W. Yates
The Spirit and Creation in Paul
Reviewed by James Miller
2010.06.19. Tipei, The Laying on of Hands in the NT
John Fleter Tipei, The Laying on of Hands in the New Testament: Its Significance, Techniques, and Effects
Reviewed by Panayotis Coutsoumpos
2010.06.16. Reynolds, Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John
Benjamin E. Reynolds, The Apocalyptic Son of Man in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by William O. Walker Jr.
2010.05.22. Zetterholm, Messiah in Early Judaism and Christianity
Magnus Zetterholm, ed., The Messiah in Early Judaism and Christianity
Reviewed by Adam Winn
2010.05.01. Bucur, Angelomorphic Pneumatology
Bogdan Gabriel Bucur, Angelomorphic Pneumatology: Clement of Alexandria and Other Early Christian Witnesses
Reviewed by James F. McGrath
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