Are You a Sunbeam Whisperer?
During Sunday services, LDS congregations have a program for children known as Primary, and the youngest class (apart from the nursery) is known as the Sunbeams. Teaching a class of irrationally exuberant four-year-olds can be more challenging than trying to manage the US economy. In one ward in our Stake, one of the children was so challenging--so wiggly and fully of spunk--that a second teacher was needed in the class to help keep things under control. But a newly called teacher came with some amazing skills and quickly demonstrated that it was possible for a single person to calm the raging waters of Lake Sunbeam. He is now the Sunbeam Whisperer, according to one Stake leader in awe of his powers. In addition to loving and talking with the children, one of the keys that others have gleaned from him so far is that he sets clear limits for the kids so they understand what is OK and what is not. That sounds pretty straightforward--I'm sure there's a little more magic involved. I'll be trying to find out more secret tips in the near future. Or maybe some of you are also Sunbeam Whisperers and care to share your skills here?
Related resource: The Primary Primer at Times and Seasons
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