Mormon artist, Andrew J. Kosorok, is an artist doing the 99 Most Beautiful Names of God as contained in the Quran in sculptured glass. (The pictures above and below are from a press release from BYU inviting downloads so I believe I can include them on this blog.)

I had read about him in the July 10 and July 20 articles in Mormon Times in the Deseret News. He also answers specific questions in a Minnesota paper.

However, a new article written in an Islamic publication prompts this post today.

In a moving piece written for Almasryalyoum, Jenna Krajeski, she explains basic Mormon beliefs and compares them to Islam, beautifully I might add. She also explains the meaning behind some of the glass representations:

One of his sculptures, “Merciful,” takes as its inspiration the idea, common to both Mormonism and Islam, that “religion is made for our sake, and not the other way around.” Using many identical layers of translucent glass, the piece takes the shape of a basilica--a public building, in this case used for religious worship. Without markings signifying a specific faith, “Merciful” represents the inclusive ideal, as Kosorok says, that religion is a “comfort and refuge, not a burden or prison.” It also brings to mind a well-known adage on tolerance: that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
She does a remarkable job of explaining Mormon beliefs to an Islamic audience. Others could learn from her example. 
The video below is the artist explaining his work at a conference.

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