(Image courtesy of utahpreppers.com)
This subject alone is both simple and complex. So, I am going to share some of my favorite Water Storage containers....and one that I am coveting....(Santa...are you listening?).
(Image courtesy of Preparednesspro.com)
The good ole standby are 55 gallon drums. However, this is a great twist on how to store them. A benefit to these is that they are not opaque and discourage the growth of bacteria and algae. The Downside is that they are not transportable If you needed to leave in a hurry...these would have to stay behind.
(Image courtesy of thereadystore.com)
This is another option for your. These 'cubes' stack, are opaque and are transportable. I have several that hold 5 gallons each. If you ever go on a Pioneer Trek...this is the water container to take! You can freeze one or more ahead of time so that you can have cool water...for a while.
(image courtesy of h2osystem.com)
These are nice for your refrigerator, but they are transparent and could encourage the growth of slimy things you would not want to drink in an emergency if you stored water in them for extended periods of time. They must be kept in a dark cool environment.
(image courtesy of cityofyukonok.gov)
There is a place for bottled-water. It is portable, is great for 72 hour kits, and for quick access in a short-term emergency. The water in commercially prepared bottles is reportedly 'good' for 2 years. However, the container is clear, so they will need to be stored in a cool, dark place.
(image courtesy of thereadystore.com)
This is what the LRH is coveting...(oh Santa....where are you?). Why, because it has all the features that are great for storing water. It is not opaque, it has 2 'spigots'. One high enough to put a bucket under and one at ground level to allow you to get all the water out of it. It holds 275 gallons of water and takes the same floor space as an upright 55 gallon drum. It can fit through a doorway (Santa....we have a perfect spot in the basement...right next to a floor drain). The 'challenge' areas from my standpoint are that it is not transportable in an emergency..but for staying in place it is great! Also, depending on your point of view, the cost may be a bit challenging....(Santa..save up will ya?). The cost, depending upon where you live and shop is between $375.00 and $429.00.
(Image courgesy of howstufworks.com)
You certainly can store water in 'PETE" bottles that are made specifically for foods. Think of all those empty 2-liter bottles you may be discarding. Clean them out, treat the water, and store for up to 6 months.
So, these are some of my favorite 'Water Storage' things. Hopefully a little elf will clue in Santa sometime.....what do you think the chances are?
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