In some areas of my life I can be so organized and on top of things and then there is "the clutter". Some of the clutter is simply papers that I am not sure what to do with. Some of it is a pile of clothes left to be hung in the closet. Some of it is hidden behind closet doors or bathroom drawers but it is there. Some of it is things that have been started that came to abrupt halts and were left to be finished at a later time.
Always, without fail I hit a more severe funk and determine, "That is IT! It will never get this bad again." And then, once again, without fail it begins again. Some of it results from laziness. Some of it results from too much stuff in too little of a space. Some of it results from children who add to the mess and then give me a hard time when I try to clear up the clutter. Some of it results because of having a husband gone several nights a week and dishes get left in the sink (once again after dinner has been made the children are ready for there Mommy, not ready for a Mommy to be in the kitchen even longer).
Now I am not saying that my entire house is always a complete tornado of a mess but more often than not I feel behind, overwhelmed, and quite simply stressed by the task that lies ahead of me. This weekend I was determined to get some things done and told my husband that the kids would be his for a while and I was going to work, work, work. And after several hours of working I feel like a very small dent was made. Far less than my expectations had demanded.
And there my friends is half of the problem I presume...EXPECTATIONS. I see other's houses looking pristine, emaculate, and well quite near perfect and wonder what I am doing wrong, what is the matter with me, or how do they do it? And then I place an expectation of what our home should look like and the guilt and frustration just pile on. The last thing someone who has a pile filled house needs is a pile of frustration and guilt to add to the top of it all. *Sigh*
When I started this post I was merely venting my feelings with no real direction or end in mind and then I found THIS...a much needed read.
Here is a small glimpse of Stephanie's words at Diapers and Divinity:
"I don’t think we’re supposed to have a clean house. I think we’re supposed to WANT a clean house and work toward it. This phrase from April’s General Conference about Mary and Martha’s house fit in perfectly with my philosophy on this:
“It was a welcome place for the Master, where He could rest and enjoy the surroundings of a righteous home.” ~ Elder Gregory A. Schwitzer"Her words gave me relief and comfort. I still have some issues to work on but I think more importantly I will work on my expectations and spending quality time with my little ones.
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