Apparently, at a key moment in a football game, a wide receiver for the Buffalo Bills (Steve Johnson) dropped a sure touchdown pass that would have won the game. He then apparently tweeted his blaming of God for the drop according to a story here.
Those of us who watch sports once in a while are familiar with the praise that winners frequently give to God for their victory. Very interesting to now see someone blame God for the dropped pass and the loss. This strikes at a key theological topic regarding the absoluteness of God. If we believe that God is responsible, or in total control, of every event, then we must not only praise Him when things go well, but blame Him when things do not. At least Steve Johnson is being logical and consistent here.
My guess is that God does not catch or drop every football, and likely does not care who wins or loses most games. I would rather contemplate a God who is not in absolute control over everthing, than one who is absolutely and ultimately responsible for everything. Blaming God for a dropped pass (and things even more evil) is the logical result of believing in an absolute God who is literally everywhere, everywhen, omni-this, omni-that, in absolute terms.
If it is God who catches or drops every ball, then what is the point of the game?

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