This article explains the logic of the URLs in the new Church’s scriptures program at to assist those who reference scriptures on their websites or blogs. These URLs only apply to English, Spanish, and German which have been built in the new system. The other languages can continue to be accessed as explained previously.


  • Scripture names: Book of Mormon=bofm, Old Testament=ot, New Testament=nt, D&C=dc-testament, PGP=pgp, Topical Guide (tg) which is only in English, and Guide to the Scriptures (gs) for other languages.
  • Book names: See a list of the abbreviations.
  • Chapter and verse are separated with a period. If you provide verse numbers, these verses will be automatically highlighted in the chapter. Verses can be entered as a single verse or as a contiguous set of verses using a single hyphen (as in the example above: 8-10), or as a set of verses separated by commas (for example: 8,12). You can also create combinations of contiguous verses and single verses (for example: 1-8,12-15,20). There should be no spaces when entering verses.
  • Language: In the example above, eng stands for English. German=deu and Spanish=spa. If the language is not specified, it will default to English. For other languages, see the old URL structure.
  • Automatic Scroll. You can also add a Goto marker (as in the example above: #8) to automatically scroll to a particular verse in the chapter. This is optional, but can be very helpful to direct the reader to a specific verse.

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