Well, I am officially on some sort of "organizing" kick.  I just have to get things in order....for me!  I thought I would share something that you may not have thought of.  Square footage....on your shelf!

I have a shelf that is 42 inches by 11inches. I can fit seven #10 cans on it so that I can actually read the cans. Above, you see a #10 can (which holds ~ 1 gallon of product).  To the right of the can, you see a plastic container with a screw-on lid that also holds a gallon of product (this one just happens to hold Chocolate Chips!). Look at the diameter and height of both of these containers. They are very different.  The round container leaves exposed shelf space that is unusable.  But look at the shape of the plastic container....square!

Remember the dimensions of that shelf I spoke of before?  Well, here is a snapshot of part of that same shelf.  Guess how many of these containers I can fit on that same shelf? What would you guess?  Maybe 10.....perhaps 12? 

Look at the comparison between to two lids. See the difference in size?

Are you still guessing?  Well, I can fit 16 of these containers on the same shelf with a little room to spare. See the tall container on the 3rd shelf?  This, again is a snapshot of my pantry. I actually have a 42 of these containers.  Each contains a different food storage staple ranging from noodles, dry beans, dried fruit, dried/dehydrated vegetables, powders (i.e. cheese) etc. These containers are very convenient and allow you to more efficiently use your valuable space.  Because I do not have to dive into buckets, I actually use my staples.  I can easily pull these containers out to when I am cooking.....particularly from scratch.

I actually purchased these from Allison's Pantry . I love them! 

So, look at your Pantry and see if this suggestion would open up much more space in your pantry!

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