is one of the most popular genealogy websites in the world. More than 150 million people have visited the site since its launch in 1999. And best of all, it’s free to Church members and nonmembers alike.

It has more than a billion names in searchable records, many of which have been indexed by more than 125,000 volunteers from around the world who process about a million names a day. If you want to volunteer, there is an online application in seven languages at

If you haven’t visited the site lately, you need to try the upgraded search engine for records and images, read thousands of helpful articles, learn from interactive courses of instruction, and ask genealogical questions in a dynamic forum. The latest version of the website provides a richer experience by putting all FamilySearch content, services, and products on the same site.

Learn more in the Church News article “FamilySearch website: One of the best genealogical resources

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