If you've found yourself wondering about how big the Church is, where it is and other basic statistics you are not alone. There are some easily accessed web sites to answer all your questions. I recommend the following:

The Statistics of the Church can be found on the Church's official web site. They are identical to what you get on the Church's official Newsroom page, Facts and Statistics. However, I suggest you access the Newsroom site because it includes a little arrow after the statistic that expands a bit on the numbers.

The Church updates it's number in April every year at the Semi-Annual General Conference. So, you can look for the 2010 numbers then.

Basic Facts about the Church can be found on the official web site. This page briefly explains about all the Church's programs and activities.

Excellent information about Church statistics for every country and state can be found on the Newsroom page, Facts and Statistics. Click on the interactive graphic in the top right hand corner to maneuver to whatever you are interested in. The information can be accessed from the drop down menu under the graphic after you click on a particular area of the world you are interested in.

After you have explored that, scroll down a little on the Facts and Statistics page and you will see a Global Statistical Map hosted by Bing. You can click a variety of boxes (Temples, Meetinghouses, Family History, Historical Places, LDS Family Services, Institutes of Religion, Deseret Industries) to see geographically presented data.

If you are feeling a bit more adventurous, or simply need more detailed information, access the Online Almanac from the LDS Church News web site. There are eight pages of information. You may have to click "Next" to get to what you want. You can also use the search feature in the upper right hand corner.

The left hand column has navigational helps. If you want to look up Missions for example, click on Missions in the left hand column and then select the Mission you are interested in from the drop down menu on the right hand column.

The Site Map on the LDS Church News is also easily navigable by subject.

If you want more than basic facts and statistics, the Newsroom page is the place to go. The navigation bar across the top can help you get to Topics and Background, News Releases and other information. The Church has social media sites where you can keep up on the Newsroom.

I hope this post has convinced you that there is a wealth of information available at your fingertips, without much digging.


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