My beautiful daughter, Jennette, with the little ones I'm tending |
Yikes, I had totally forgotten just how much WORK it takes to care for the physical needs of children day in and day out, let alone make sure the spiritual stuff gets done, too! That's when I started to ponder on the huge challenge that young LDS mothers have, to not only take care of the physical needs of their children, but to add to that, make sure that daily they are developing testimonies of Jesus Christ.
I confess that I was not nearly the kind of mother to my three daughters as they are to my grandchildren. I stand in awe of each one of them everyday, and feel so blessed to know that my grandchildren are being raised in righteousness.
I've told each one of my daughters that I expect them to be better mothers than I am. Our motto is "Every Generation Better"! Well, I'm here to report that they are doing it. When I arrived a week ago my daughter had typed out the daily routine that I was expected to maintain. And I mean expected! Not only did it include every physical need the children would have, down to the brushing of teeth, but she also included their spiritual routine. I'm here to admit that by the time they get home tomorrow, I will officially be POOPED!
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My lovely daughter, Laura, with my two grandgirls |
But don't get me wrong, I've thoroughly loved being here with my four grandchildren. I've always enjoyed time alone with them. Love being with their parents, but it is a sacred privilege for me, their grand-MOTHER, to have the chance to create spiritual moments with my grandchildren. This is what drives wonderful, faithful LDS mothers, on a daily basis, to strive so diligently to raise their children in righteousness!
So, when you wonderful young LDS moms are changing those diapers, doing mounds of laundry, driving those carpools day in and day out, getting that homework done, making gourmet dinners nightly, bathing your rugrats -- just know that pushing a little harder to make sure the spiritual things happen in your homes is worth every effort that you put forth!
I know this because I see it with my own grandchildren. We've had some pretty hectic moments this week, but as we have taken time, even when I was beat, to read the scriptures, pray and discuss the gospel -- these sweet children simply melt by the spirit. I have been blessed to hear the testimonies of each of the three older grandchildren this week, through wonderful gospel conversations. This truly is a special generation of spirits we have before us.
My AMAZING daughter, Brittney and her adorable children |
I would like to honor my own three daughters, as well as all young LDS mothers, who diligently strive to raise their children in righteousness each and every day, despite the many challenges that you face to do so.
A thought that I have pondered on occasion is this.... We have been taught that this generation of children have been saved for the last days, and yet it is my feeling that the parents who must raise this royal generation must be as strong, if not stronger spiritually, to help them fulfill their mission here upon the earth!
Today, I am thoroughly convinced of this truth. Happy Mother's Day!
Now, put your humor on and have a good laugh!
In Tha Muthahood Video
Motherhood - Inspirational LDS Quotes By Mormon Leaders
A Survivor of Mother's Day Depression
A Mother on Becoming a First Time Grandma
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