On Sunday, I heard an inspiring talk on prayer from an American who desscribes himself as "just a normal person," reminding us that kind answers to prayer are not just for a select few but something that all of us should be experiencing in our lives. Recognizing kind answers to prayer with much patience is part of the key to success.
He shared how in their challenging circumstances after coming to China, he needed to find a way to better help his wife who couldn't speak the language and was struggling with many of the basics of daily life. She really needed a translator and a car or a new location, but these were unavailable to them on their budget. As they explored their options, they realized that the direct solutions to their problems were not really options. In his prayer, he turned to the Lord and said that he simply could not see or find a solution to the problems they had, but he needed to find some way to help his wife and pleaded to the Lord for help. Two hours later, as he was taking a taxi to work, he was surprised to find that his cab driver could actually speak English--a rarity. Then it hit him: this cab driver could become a resource to help his wife when she needed to do something. Instead of hiring an expensive full-time driver, she could just get in his taxi when help was needed. This worked out perfectly, and like many Chinese people I know, that man proved to be so kind that he would go the extra mile, not just taking my friend's wife to where she needed to go, but also going in with her, helping to translate and carry things. He's becoome a friend of the family and a key factor in making life better for that couple.
Finding that cab driver was a kind answer to prayer. As he shared this simple story, my eyes watered up as I pondered all the similar answers to prayer and the similar acts of kindness from the Lord and from others as we've struggled with life in a very different part of the world. So many times we've been given the help we need at just the right time, so kindly, often in answer to prayer. I'm not saying it's been a bed of roses or anything and there are plenty of frustrations and challenges in the midst of all the excitement of being here, but gently little acts of kindness and perfect timing have left us repeatedly grateful to the Lord and to His many helpiing hands in this nation filled with good people.
By the way, I'm very grateful that the officials in Shanghai have kindly allowed the Church to meet on Sunday. Non-Chinese citizens can assemble for Sunday Services in a beautiful, air-conditioned conference center in Pudong, the relatively new east side of Shanghai (I live on the older west side where all the excitement is, in my opinion). We must be careful not violate Chinese law in any way (no proselyting, Chinese citizens may not attend, all religious literature such as hymn books must be locked up when we are done), but the privilege of being allowed to meet and worship is greatly appreciated. I hope that the officials who made that decision will never regret the kindness shown to us.
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