The last part of Christ’s life has always been difficult for me to wrap my head around. The way He stands calm and quiet and patient while accused, condemned, and abused seems more and more superhuman the older I get. I quake to think how I would have acted if I were in His place.
The trouble is, considering this doesn’t really help me; rather it seems to alienate me from Christ. I suppose it is just ugly pride in me that hates to be second best in anything. (Terrible, huh?)
But recently, as I have been studying Christ’s trial and crucifixion in preparation for teaching a 16-year-old Sunday school class, I have realized how these accounts of His suffering can directly help me to have faith in Him and draw me to Him. If He suffered those things because of His loving kindness and long-suffering toward those who did those things to Him, I know He will be just as patient and loving toward me, for certainly my sins have hurt Him just as much.
If He had shown the least bit of resentment, would we be able to have perfect trust in Him? It would be harder. We would fear that He would have difficulty forgiving us.
Glory be to the Father; Jesus’s love for us is revealed.
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