Harmonizing science and religion is a noble pursuit and one that is consistent with the Lord’s instruction to avoid contention. Harmonization is fairly easy when overlapping scientific and gospel teachings agree. However, complete harmonization eludes us because several gospel doctrines are at odds with science.
Disagreements between the gospel and science will continue to exist for the simple fact that science is imperfect and ever changing. The very thing that makes science so wonderful, namely that it is a self-correcting endeavor, precludes it from being 100% consistent with the gospel. If we ever claim that a scientific theory is absolutely consistent with the gospel and then see that theory change later on, then that theory never was completely consistent with the gospel as we had supposed.
Will complete harmony ever be achieved? Yes, most likely during the millennium when the Savior returns and circumscribes all truth into one great whole. Until such time, what shall we do when differences arise? Should we trust religion or should we trust science?
If a religious truth claim arises from theological conjecturing, of which there is plenty in the church (nothing wrong with this though), then science may be right and religion may be wrong. Remember that our understanding of the gospel is continually evolving. The Lord gives us gospel truths line upon line, precept upon precept, according to our righteousness. Consider that when the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon is made available, it might change our understanding of some gospel principles, even to the point of bringing them more in line with established scientific theory.
On the other hand, if a religious doctrine comes through direct revelation such as scripture or prophetic edict, then we should definitely go with religion.
Here are some examples.
Science claims that the sun will expand and eventually destroy the earth. We know that is false because modern day revelation tells us that the earth will be celestialized and receive a paradisiacal glory.
Science claims that we need to restrict population growth or else we will overpopulate the earth and exhaust our resources. We know this is false because the Lord has declared “there is room and enough to spare.”
Science claims that Adam and Eve’s immortal bodies were created through macroevolutionary processes. We know this is wrong because the scriptures and prophets teach us that the creation was a purposeful and directed process, not something left to the vicissitudes of natural selection and random mutations (even if those processes are sufficient to create a living human being).
So what are we to do with scientific theories that disagree with revealed truth? Should we throw them out with the trash? No. Science is the best we’ve got when it comes to understanding the natural world. As long as we rely on the arm of the Lord, He will bless our science to progress, self-correct, and steer humankind toward the absolute truth of all things.
Disagreements between the gospel and science will continue to exist for the simple fact that science is imperfect and ever changing. The very thing that makes science so wonderful, namely that it is a self-correcting endeavor, precludes it from being 100% consistent with the gospel. If we ever claim that a scientific theory is absolutely consistent with the gospel and then see that theory change later on, then that theory never was completely consistent with the gospel as we had supposed.
Will complete harmony ever be achieved? Yes, most likely during the millennium when the Savior returns and circumscribes all truth into one great whole. Until such time, what shall we do when differences arise? Should we trust religion or should we trust science?
If a religious truth claim arises from theological conjecturing, of which there is plenty in the church (nothing wrong with this though), then science may be right and religion may be wrong. Remember that our understanding of the gospel is continually evolving. The Lord gives us gospel truths line upon line, precept upon precept, according to our righteousness. Consider that when the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon is made available, it might change our understanding of some gospel principles, even to the point of bringing them more in line with established scientific theory.
On the other hand, if a religious doctrine comes through direct revelation such as scripture or prophetic edict, then we should definitely go with religion.
Here are some examples.
Science claims that the sun will expand and eventually destroy the earth. We know that is false because modern day revelation tells us that the earth will be celestialized and receive a paradisiacal glory.
Science claims that we need to restrict population growth or else we will overpopulate the earth and exhaust our resources. We know this is false because the Lord has declared “there is room and enough to spare.”
Science claims that Adam and Eve’s immortal bodies were created through macroevolutionary processes. We know this is wrong because the scriptures and prophets teach us that the creation was a purposeful and directed process, not something left to the vicissitudes of natural selection and random mutations (even if those processes are sufficient to create a living human being).
So what are we to do with scientific theories that disagree with revealed truth? Should we throw them out with the trash? No. Science is the best we’ve got when it comes to understanding the natural world. As long as we rely on the arm of the Lord, He will bless our science to progress, self-correct, and steer humankind toward the absolute truth of all things.
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