In the article “Interacting Online as a Member Missionary” on the LDS Tech website, Beth Kirby writes

Last April, President Uchtdorf’s talk Waiting on the Road to Damascus inspired me to look for more ways to be a member missionary. In his talk, President Uchtdorf encouraged us to use our hands “to blog and text message the gospel to all the world.”

She concludes:

The easiest way for me to be a member missionary is through social networking. I know I am reaching people by the number of “likes” and comments I receive. Social networking also makes it easier for my friends to help me spread the gospel. The Internet provides a space for us all to engage in missionary work in powerful ways. I’m just beginning to see the potential.

In her article, she discusses ways to use social media to share the gospel:

  • Blogging: She started a blog to record experiences that have powerful meaning to her. She announces blog updates on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Good Reads: She lists the scriptures and other gospel books she reads. She rates and reviews the books and posts them to Facebook and Twitter. She also posts quotes in the Goodreads Quotes section so others can find inspiring quotes by Church leaders.
  • Facebook: She makes weekly posts about things that moved her during Sunday meetings as well as answers to prayers. She uses Facebook’s Notes app to share her testimony. She shares posts and videos from the Church’s pages on Facebook, including the Ensign Magazine and LDS General Conference.
  • Mobile Apps: She uses the Gospel Library and Mormon Channel for personal study to better prepare herself to discuss the gospel with her friends.
  • Online Videos: She posts links to Church videos and talks to Twitter and Facebook. She uses the  feature to like articles and videos so they automatically post to her Facebook account.

Read her entire article “Interacting Online as a Member Missionary.”

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