3 Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. (2 Nephi 22:2-3)
Here Nephi quotes Isaiah 12 in which Isaiah compares the process of obtaining salvation to getting water from a well. I think imagining the process helps me understand better.
I can imagine going to the place of the well with an empty water pot, thirsty and with full expectation that there will be plenty of water there. Christ is our well from which we draw out salvation. Dropping the bucket down in is easy, but pulling it out takes more work, just like praying for forgiveness is easy, but summoning the real intent and maintaining commitment can be harder. Yet the joy and anticipation of obtaining forgiveness helps you continue. And you can taste the forgiveness; it is refreshing just like water.
Image 1: Travel Pot, "Staying in a nomad's Ger," http://blog.travelpod.com/travel-blog-entries/markandkaty/1/1305236123/tpod.html#_
Image 2: Plumpy'nut Press, "Happy World Water Day!", http://plumpynutpress.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/happy-world-water-day/
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