In the previous post, I ended with one of the top companies that I was hopeful to get a job offer from calling me back. I felt this was a very good sign. They had kept my resume on file, and while they did not hire me as a Sr. Project Engineer, they were interested in me as a Sr. Advanced Manufacturing Engineer. This new opportunity seemed even better than the one I had previously applied for.
This time, the company brought our whole family down for the interview – a very good sign. This interview was a couple of hours long, with six people involved simultaneously. I felt like I nailed it. I was comfortable, confident, and just felt in control of the room. I left feeling like it was in the bag, and that they simply ought to hire me.
A few days later I got an email saying that the position had been put on hold, and that they would keep me informed. This seemed like another good sign. They could have told me they were considering other candidates, but they did not. So I waited.
A few days before Christmas I got a call, informing me that I was being offered the job. I was very excited about this. They were sending me a packet by Fedex that would provide all the details. When the package came, I was a tad disappointed. The relocation assistance was the most generous I had ever seen, and short of buying my house was about as good as I could imagine. I was mostly disappointed in how much the employees had to pay for insurance – much more than my current employer. When I compared the cost of living, and the cost of insurance, this new job offer would only be about $2,0000.00 more per year. And with all the cost and risk of selling a house and changing states, I was about to do the unthinkable – turn this offer down. The thought broke my heart. I did the only thing I think I could – I made a counter offer.
I laid out the comparison, and my concerns. I asked for 10K more than they offered. They came back with 5K more, along with a 5K signing bonus, and one month salary as an additional benefit to cover expenses of moving (this was money we could use as we please, not a reimbursement). In addition to the relocation already offered, this seemed pretty good.
I prayed about this opportunity, but did not get very far. As soon as I began praying, I was filled with unmistakable positive feelings of blessing, gratitude, approval, etc. I knew this was the one. Over the next couple of days a prayed many times seeking confirmation of what I had previously felt. I have never experienced anything like this. Prayer-answer, prayer-answer, prayer-answer,… My wife and I brought this to my children in the most serious family meetings we have ever had. I told them about the offer, and what it would mean. And I told them about my prayers, and the answers I felt that I had received. The maturity and support from my children was touching. I love my family with my whole heart, and I would not do this without their support. We allowed everyone to share their feelings on the matter. We were going to take it.
After accepting the offer I went to our ward building to do some more praying. I decided that I would walk around the church as I prayed. I started out simple, ‘Heavenly Father, I found another job..’. My body was filled with intense feelings like before, but so strong that my body shook with sobs. I knew I was going to fall, so I walked into the grass and fell on my hands and knees. I wept as I accepted and rejoiced in this new opportunity. After about 30 seconds I decided that my posture was a bit undignified, so I got up and started walking again. I began to think of my wife and children, and what a support they had been through this long process and I began to weep again.
While I feel that I had been given clear answers to prayers about this – like never before, I still had my worries. Mostly the anxiety was about selling our home in a small town in Michigan. Prayers and blessings were given with similar positive feelings. I still worry, but that is my nature. Sometimes I feel that I have had enough faith to get the answers in this case, but not enough faith to be fully comforted by those answers. I still have much to learn.
At the time of this post, I gave my two weeks notice at my current job. I start my new job in a couple of weeks. I know that not everything will be easy or perfect, but I do feel that I have been lead to this decision. My hope is that I can now be in a better position to meet my family’s needs as my boys approach missions and college, and that I can make some meaningful progress during the next stage of my career. I also hope that all of those who have been in similar or worse situation than I have been in, can find better opportunities for themselves.

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