In the 2013 Sunday School classes, adults will study the Doctrine and Covenants and Church history. Below are some of the great resources provided by the Church to help in your individual study.
Online Scriptures. If you haven’t experienced, you need to. You can read the text or listen to the audio scriptures. You can even enlarge the text size to make it easier to read. You can click on footnotes and references to jump directly to the referenced scripture. It also has personalized study tools that let you take notes, highlight verses, and save personal notes. Those notes are then available to you whether you read the scriptures online or on a mobile device. (See
Doctrine & Covenants/Pearl of Great Price is available in audio format on CD. Or you can listen to the audio online at When in a chapter online, just click Listen in the right margin.
Printed scriptures are available for purchase in a variety of covers, colors, and sizes.
Doctrine and Covenants and Church History Gospel Doctrine manuals are available online for the teacher as well as the Class Member Study Guide. They are also available in printed format.
Doctrine and Covenants Visual Resource DVDs: This set of four DVDs has over 300 visual resources, including videos, art, charts, quotes, and study activities. The set contains 5 movies, including Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration (the 2005 version shown in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building), Legacy, The Mountain of the Lord, Treasure in Heaven: The John Tanner Story, and Only a Stonecutter. The set also includes Doctrine and Covenants Stories (see above). It is for use in the home and in Church classroom. The set of four DVDs is available for $4.50 or it is also available online.
Presidents of the Church DVD. This set of DVDs contains a documentary, a testimony, and a photo gallery for each President of the Church from Joseph Smith to Gordon B. Hinckley.
Illustrated scriptures stories (books). These popular books with colorfully illustrated scripture stories are available in printed format and also online in PDF format (Doctrine and Covenants Stories, Book of Mormon Stories, Old Testament Stories, and New Testament Stories. You may want to consider getting the printed books or the DVD (see below) as Christmas gifts for children.
Illustrated scriptures stories (videos). Media-enriched video versions of the illustrated scriptures books are available on at or on DVD.
Scripture Stories radio series. This Scripture Stories weekly radio series is designed to inspire children to come to know and love stories from the scriptures. Each episode features children sharing their insights and favorite experiences from the scriptures, along with music and readings of the best stories from the scriptures.
Seminary Doctrine and Covenants Student Study Guide. Available to download, read online, or purchase.
Institute manuals. Various manual available to download, read online, or purchase.
Joseph Smith Papers. Read original documents and historical background on the Joseph Smith Papers website.
Note: To learn about the other curriculum materials to be used next year, see the Instructions for Curriculum 2013.
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