This weekend is our General Conference, the bi-annual, worldwide meeting of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. For ten hours over two days, leaders of the Church teach about Mormon beliefs and doctrines, counsel and comfort us, and teach us more about our Savior, Jesus Christ.

(Actually, the total number of hours of teachings comes to around twelve; the General Young Women Meeting is already up in the archives.)

We invite any and all to join in listening via the various media options that are available, from satellite radio to internet or cable/satellite TV. You can listen live or access archives immediately following each General Conference session.

For all the options of how to listen to General Conference, see this comprehensive list of resources at LDS Media Talk.

Or, if Twitter is more your style, watch the hashtags #ldsconf or #christian to get glimpses of what is being talked about in our General Conference.

#ldsconf General Conference tweeting #christian

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