joseph-smith-papersYou don’t have to wait for the next volume to come out to start reviewing the Joseph Smith Papers collection at The website lets you search and view the documents in a digitized format next to the transcription, which isn’t available in the printed volumes.

The Joseph Smith Papers Project just published more than 100 Joseph Smith documents on its website, including letters, revelations, discourses, and other documents dating from 1841, as well as a record book of Joseph Smith’s letters and an account by Sidney Rigdon detailing the persecution of the Latter-day Saints in Missouri.

Watch the video below about the Joseph Smith Papers online.

Some of the features on the website include the following:

For lessons, talks, or personal study, you might also want to see the Revelations in Context series on, which relies in part on the Joseph Smith Papers and other Church History Department research to explain the historical background of many sections of the Doctrine and Covenants.

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